Jill Sherman-Warne
Jill Sherman-Warne

Learn How to Work with Tribes
Inter-Tribal Coordination Efforts
Teaching Tribal Leadership Skills
Engage fellow Tribal People

Hoopa Chairman, Secretary of Interior Babbitt after ROD signing.

My father and Grandfather.

Jill and Jim.

50th Anniversary Family Photo.
About Jill
Jill Sherman-Warne is an elected Tribal Councilmember of the Hoopa Valley Tribe. She also served as a Tribal Councilmember 1995-1997. Ms. Sherman-Warne is also the Executive Director of the Native American Environmental Protection Coalition (NAEPC). She regularly works with 28 tribes throughout California, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. She graduated from Humboldt State and built her respected professional reputation serving tribes in a variety of capacities from language learning, vocational rehabilitation, grant writing, environmental planning and emergency response.
Jill immerses her energy into building scalable tribal programs to increase and strength the tribal sovereignty. Jill’s cadre of skills allowed her to enjoy working directly as a tribal staff member, on congressional campaigns, state commissions and on local and regional tribal boards and committees. Jill’s work specialty is increasing the professional capacity of tribal environmental staff and engaging tribes on critical environmental issues.
Jill enjoys providing tribes the necessary tools to improving their capacity and capability to meet and exceed federal standards without increasing management burdens. Jill also serves as a Senior Consultant to the Environmental Finance Center. Jill served as a member of the San Diego American Indian Health Clinic Board of Directors and on the UC San Diego Chancellor’s Community Advisory Board, the State of California’s Clean Vehicle Assistance (CVA) Advisory Board and the Technical Advisory Board for Mobile Renewable Power.
In 2022 Ms. Sherman-Warne received an appointment to serve on the California Air Resources Board’s Environmental Justice Advisory Committee. This past year she began secondary appointment to the California EPA Tribal Advisory Committee. Jill also serves on the College of the Redwoods Foundation Board. Ms. Sherman-Warne is proud of her previous 15 year tenure on the California Native American Heritage Commission. In her spare time Jill enjoys traditional fishing and hunting. Jill is also a highly successful grant-writer in her off hours.
Experience and Qualifications
- Executive/Senior Level Tribal Government Management Experience
- Experience in Tribal Environmental Regulation & Capacity Building
- Experience in Tribal Emergency Management (Fire & Flood) and FEMA Recovery
- Extensive Legislative and Grassroots Advocacy for Indian Country (Prop 5, Prop 1A and Congressional Campaign)
- Extensive Budget Development, Management and Grant Writing experience in acquiring and managing over $40 Million
Native American Environmental Protection Coalition (NAEPC) Serving 27 Member Tribes in 4 States
Executive Director – September 2009 to Present
As the Executive Director, work is under the general supervision of the NAEPC Board of Director’s President at the direction of the 27 tribes. Responding to tribal requests for technical or professional assistance. Performing all administrative duties related to but not limited to; overseeing the coordination of all grants administered by NAEPC for compliance with all regulations and objectives of each work plan. Preparing and Submitting OMB reports such as FFR’s and 424’s. Report to the NAEPC board of direction the status of all grants; establish and maintain working relationships and communication with all NAEPC Board of Directors, Tribal Chairpersons, Councils, and Environmental Personnel. Coordinate Tribal involvement in US EPA Border 2012 and 2020 program with California, Arizona and Texas tribes. Direct the Underground Storage Tank Training for tribes operating Gas Stations. Coordinate other professional environmental training for NAEPC 27 member tribes. Develop and Implement Covid-19 response protocols for worker safety and remote work policy.
Grant-Writer – August 1992 to Present
As a contractual grant writer, must review and provide analysis for tribal fit into a specific grant program coordinating tribal goals to the goals of grant programs with attainable outcomes in a tribal setting. Quickly formulate tribal narrative, need, function and activities for the tribe and grant criteria. Must determine function of staff, and responsible personnel to oversee and manage the grant. Grants applied for and received are not limited to but include the following examples: Department of Education Vocational Rehabilitation Grant $2.5 million: Department of Justice Tribal Court Category II Grant $200,000: BIA Hazardous Fuels $170,000: Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Services Self-Governance Grant $50,000. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native American Language Grant $150,000. FEMA Recovery Funds $1.5 Million.
Viejas Tribal Council
Acting Government Manager – May 2007 to June 2009
Served as Deputy to the Government Manager while also serving as the acting-Public Works Director then moved to Acting Government Manager. Supervised, planned and coordinated the activities of the tribal departments including Public Works, Treasury, Community Services (Education, Recreation and Wellness), and Fire. Developed and proposed policies, programs and initiatives, to address the needs of the tribal community for the Tribal Council like Cultural Monitoring and Senior Protection. Work with governmental agencies (Federal, State and County) to further the goals of the tribe. Researched and wrote agenda reports, developed training and presented training for cultural monitors, developed and presented environmental process to tribal council, managed 32 Directors/Managers directly, also served as the Acting Public Works Director overseeing and managing systems of
Water, Sewer, Landscape and Maintenance programs. Tribal reorganization for economic development goals required downsizing of staff.
Pechanga Tribal Council
Environmental Director/Grants Manager – November 1998 to May 2007
Reported to the Pechanga Tribal Council, Developed and Administered environmental protection programs. Maintained compliance with grant program regulations and report requirements. Implemented program objects such as: establish organizational structure for long term environmental protection office for the Pechanga Tribe, developed a tribal environmental plan, drafted an emergency response plan for hazardous and solid waste, created effective public education and outreach, and involved the tribal membership with an effective public education and outreach. Created the Tribal Emergency Response Committee to respond to emergencies, developed Hazard Mitigation Plan. Assisted with economic development activities to ensure environmental compliance. Developed a draft pollution prohibition and environmental protection ordinances. Coordinated with local and federal agencies including but not limited to USFWS, USFS, BIA, US Army Corps, US EPA, Riverside County and City of Temecula
Post Graduate Work –Sinte’ Gleska University (Only Tribally Owned/Operated University in US)
Post Graduate Work–San Diego State University, Rehabilitation Program
1992 Bachelor of Art Degree Social Science and Minor Native American Studies—Humboldt State University
1989 General Education—College of the Redwoods